Sports, Games and Hobbies Club



The name of the Club shall be “Sports, Games and Hobbies Club” and is a private members club (hereafter referred to as “the Club”)


a) Offering sports, games and hobbies related activities for the promotion of a healthy body and a constructive mind.
b) Offering and promotion of social activities
c) Offering accommodation to private members and their guests
d) To do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the club


The club shall offer the following classes of membership;

Founder Members.


Founder Members are those persons who initially come together before the formation of the club and actively assist in bringing the club into existence. The Founder Members shall automatically be treated as Life Members.

Life Members


Life Members are those persons who register as Life Members at the time of joining by paying a lump sum of Rs.10,000/- (or any sum fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time).

Honorary Life Members.


Honorary Life Members are persons of repute and standing who have contributed greatly to the causes promoted by the club and who have been chosen by the Executive Committee and approved by a simple majority of the General Body at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting.

Full Membership

(a) Family Membership .
(b) Single Membership
(c) Country Membership
(d) Junior Membership
(e) Student Membership
(f) Temporary Membership
(g) Senior Membership
(h) Honorary Membership
(i) Reciprocal Membership
(j) Absent Membership
(k) Corporate Membership


A Full Member is a member who has attained the age of Twenty -one (21) years and has been admitted as such or has become a Full Member under the rules of the club. He/she shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club to vote at any General Meeting and to be eligible for election to the Executive Committee (herein after mentioned) or any Sub-Committee of the Club that may be formed. For the avoidance of doubt Full Member includes Family members aged Twenty one (21) years and above but does not include Junior members

(a) Family membership

A Family Membership is that of a legal husband and wife and legal children under the age of Twenty-one (21) years

(b) Single membership

A single Membership is for one person only and does not allow for the family to be brought to the Club except as guests as allowed elsewhere in this Constitution and in special cases at the discretion of the Executive Committee

(c) Country membership

Any person residing beyond One Hundred and fifty (150) kilometers radius from the Club may be proposed and admitted to become a Country Member and shall be entitled to all privileges of the club. A country member shall be liable to pay entrance and annual subscription fees at a rate to be determined by the executive committee

(d) Junior membership Junior Membership shall be for children of Full Members of the Club below the age of Twenty-one (21) years and shall have the same privileges as their parents except:-

(i) They shall have no voting powers.
(ii) They shall have no right to share in the disposal of any property of the Club.
(iii) For a junior member to convert to a full
member without having to pay the entrance fee, such junior member must have been a fully registered and a junior member of the Club a period of not less than two years.
(iv) They shall neither attend nor participate in meeting of the Club.
(v) This class of membership shall not introduce guests to the Club
(vi) Fee payable by such a Junior Member shall be as the Executive Committee may from time to time deem fit, provided that on attaining the age of Twenty-one (21) years, he/she may opt to become a Full member by paying the prevailing Annual subscription
(vii) Should a junior member fail to take up the full membership of the Club within two years after attaining 21 years of age, this option will be forfeited and such junior member will have to apply for membership like any other applicant, to the rules of the club
(viii) Any junior member of the club who participates in any competitive sport played at the club will pay the annual subscriptions determined by the Executive Committee for this class of members.

(e) Student membership

(i) There shall be student membership of a person of over twenty-one (21) years of age whose parent(s) is/are a Full Family Member or Single parent member of the Club. He/she should be a full time student in a recognized university or tertiary college or any other institution of learning recognized by the Executive Committee of the Club (ii) On ceasing to be a student under full time tuition, a member hitherto a Student Member shall be eligible to become a Full Member by paying the applicable annual fees, subject to the offer being taken within one year after ceasing to be a student.
(iii) Any student member who participates in a competitive sport played at the club will have to pay the annual subscriptions
determined by the Executive Committee for this class of members

(f) Temporary membership

A Temporary Member is a Member who is duly proposed by a Full Member for a period which shall not exceed three consecutive months, save with the consent of the Executive Committee, who may grant an extension or extensions up to a maximum period of nine months.

A temporary Member shall:-

(i) Not be entitled to introduce more than two guests at anyone visit to the Club.
(ii) Not be entitled to attend and or participate at any general meeting of the club
(iii) Not be allowed to enjoy reciprocal facilities with other Clubs, but shall have all other privileges of the Club, subject to this Constitution.
(iv) Pay the applicable fee as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
(v) Not be a permanent resident within One Hundred and fifty (150) kilometers of the Club House.
(vi)Have the amount paid for Temporary Membership deducted from his Annual subscription on becoming a Full Member. Should a Temporary Member wish to become a Full Member of the Club, he will have to go through the process of new applicants to membership of the Club.

(g) Senior membership

An AGM may admit on nomination by the executive committee, senior members who shall not be less than 65 years of age and who in the opinion of the members shall have rendered exemplary service to the club and who shall have been members for not less than 25 consecutive years. He/she shall pay no further subscriptions and shall enjoy all the privileges of a full membership but shall be liable to pay any levies payable by a full member from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, senior membership is not purchasable

(h) Honorary membership

i) The Executive Committee may nominate as an Honorary Member from distinguished residents of India and distinguished visitors to India for such a period as the Committee may determine ii) A general meeting may elect as Honorary member persons who have rendered distinguished service to the club or persons whose public avocations may warrant such privileges for such period as the General Meeting may determine. iii) The Executive Committee may nominate as an Honorary member for one year any person winning a India wide open title in a sport which is played by the club. iv) Honorary members shall not be required to pay subscription. v) Honorary members shall have no voting rights. vi) An honorary member shall not introduce more than two guests at any one visit to the club nor share in the assets of the club. He/she will also not introduce any prospective member to the club. vii)For the sole purpose of developing talent of any sport played at the club, the executive committee may admit any such talented person into the membership of the club and waive the entrance fees payable by any new member. However, any person admitted into the club under this category shall pay the annual subscriptions applicable at the time.

(i) Reciprocal membership

The Executive Committee shall have powers to enter into reciprocal arrangements with such other Clubs in India or other Countries as the Executive Committee may deem beneficial to members. A Reciprocal Member is a member of a Club with which the Club currently enjoys a reciprocal relationship but does not reside within Ten (10) kilometers radius from the club. Such member shall be permitted to visit and use the club facilities for a maximum of TWO (2) DAYS in anyone calendar month and only on production of proof of membership of his home Club and on signing a Reciprocating Member's Register provided for the purpose. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained, the Executive Committee may at; its sole discretion refuse reciprocity to any person or group of persons regardless of the existence of a reciprocating relationship between the Club and the home club of such a person or group of persons and shall inform their home Clubs of the refusal and the reasons thereto. A reciprocal Member shall.

a) Have no right or share in the disposal of the property of the Club.
b) Not participate in the management of the Club.
c) Not be entitled to introduce more than two guests at any one visit to the Club.
d) Be allowed to use the Club only twice in a calendar month, provided that, no Reciprocal Member who has been suspended or expelled by his home Club shall gain admittance or allowed to visit the Club until he is readmitted back by his home Club.

(k) Absentee membership

(i) Any member who may be leaving India for a period exceeding twelve calendar months may, have his/her name placed on the Absent Members list on payment of Rupees 1,000/= (revised from time to time) to be paid before his/her departure and should he/she thereafter become a Indian resident, he/she shall pay the subscription payable under the rules of the Club then in force.
(ii) Should an absentee member come back to the country, he/she shall enjoy the full facilities of the club for a period of 60 days calendar year, but if he/she exceeds the same period, he shall pay the levies due on pro rata basis, PROVIDED that he shall not vote in any special or general meeting.
(iii) An Absent Member who fails to pay the said sum of Rupees. 1,000/= (revised from time to time) within the prescribed time shall cease to be a time, and if thereafter admitted to the Club shall be liable to pay the Entrance and Subscription fees for the time being payable under the rules of the Club then in force. The Executive Committee may exercise discretion and reduce the entrance fee for such an applicant.

(l) Corporate membership

A corporate member is any member who has been introduced by a corporate organization. His/her entrance and subscription fees shall be paid by the said corporate organization. He/she shall go through the usual process of admission of a member. On leaving directorship/ employment, he/she ceases to be a corporate member. Such a member may after ceasing the employment of the said corporation apply to be admitted in any of the other classes of membership. The organization shall inform the club in writing of its corporate members. The corporation shall notify the club in writing if there is any change to its corporate membership. The entrance fee and subscription shall upon application by the corporate body be determined by the executive committee. A corporate organization shall be entitled to appoint one representative to a general meeting of the club.

A corporate member shall;

i) Not be entitled to introduce more than five guests at a time.
ii) Apply in writing to the secretary of the club if he/she intends to hold any kind of activity in the club

(m) Non resident membership

This is a member who resides outside India but frequently visits the country. He/she is liable to pay entrance and annual subscription at a rate to be determined by the executive committee but the entrance and subscription fees shall not be less than that of a full member.


a) No member of the Executive Committee shall propose or second any new members.

(i) Every Applicant for admission as a member other than as an Honorary Member shall be proposed and seconded by Members who have attained a membership of not less than two (2) years.
(ii) Upon proposal and payment of the dues appropriate at the time (or below mentioned) the application shall be posted on the Club Notice Board for not less than thirty (30) days before it comes for consideration by the Executive Committee.
(iii) If after thirty days the proposer and or the seconder fails to get the applicant introduced to the members of the Executive Committee, the application shall automatically be withdrawn and the dues aforementioned refunded to the applicant who will be entitled to reapply for admission ninety (90) days from the date of withdrawal.

b) Admission to the Club shall be by ballot cast by members of the Executive Committee. During balloting, should any application be opposed by any three members of the Executive Committee, the application shall be declined and the proposer will be advised. All moneys paid to the club by the applicant shall be refunded to the applicant.

c) Upon application for membership, the applicant shall pay, entrance fees, first year subscription fees on prorate basis, together with any other Club dues payable by members as the General Meeting of the Club shall from time to time decide. These payments must be made before the application is posted on the Club's Notice Board.

d) The proposer and the seconder and five supporting full members must introduce the applicant to the members of Executive Committee of which a minimum of ten (10) members should sign the application together with as many members of the Club as possible.

e) Before admission, any member of the Club shall be entitled to file an objection in a letter marked "CONFIDENTIAL" which letter shall be shown to the Executive Committee containing reason(s) why such applicant should not be admitted to the Club.

f) Upon admission the applicant shall be notified thereof by the Hon. Secretary or Membership Secretary who shall furnish him/her with a copy of the Constitution. Upon admission, the member shall be qualified for election to the Executive Committee on expiry of two (2) years and claim a share to the property of the Club PROVIDED that upon application and before admission the applicant shall enjoy the privileges due to a temporary member.

g) The Management Committee shall have powers to admit into membership of the club any person who in the opinion of the members of the Management Committee will add value to the club or has a talent which can be nurtured through the club. The Management Committee shall have powers to waive any portion of the entrance fees for such a member.


Any member wishing to resign from the Club shall inform the Membership Secretary in writing before the Thirty - first (31st) day of December and must have paid all the dues owing to the Club otherwise if in default the same will become recoverable at the instance of the Club.


a) The Entrance fees, rates of subscriptions and all levies shall be such as shall be proposed to the Annual or Special General Meeting of the Club by the Executive Committee of the Club. Upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee being amended and/or approved, such entrance fees, subscriptions or levies will take effect as shall be resolved by the General Meeting.
b) The Executive Committee shall have the power to waive the Entrance Fee of any applicant under the age of Twenty-One (21) years.
c) The Executive Committee shall have the right to re-admit any person who has resigned from the Club on such terms as they may determine.
d) Any account not paid after three (3) months when it falls due will incur Ten Percent (10%) penalty per year pro rata. If any member shall fail to pay the amount of his/her dues within three calendar months of the time it falls due, the Hon. Treasurer shall report the fact to the Executive Committee who may cause his/her name to be removed from the list of members. However, the Executive Committee is empowered to reinstate his/her name if the delay has been explained satisfactorily.
e) Any member who defaults for more than three (3) consecutive years will have to apply for membership afresh.
f) The Executive Committee may post on the Club Notice Board the name of any member from whom any sum of money is due to the Club. If such member fails to pay the same after due notice in writing from the Hon. Treasurer or Secretary, he/she shall be posted as a defaulter. Any member posted as a defaulter at the club notice board will also have his/her name posted at all the notice boards of reciprocating clubs.
g) Any member who has been posted as a defaulter by the Executive Committee under Clause (e) here above shall, unless he makes good his default within one month, cease to be a member of the Club.
h) Any member who has ceased to be a member of the Club under the provision of Clauses (e) and (f) here above shall neither be eligible for membership nor shall he/she be invited to the club or participate in any sport at the club as a guest unless he makes good his default and furnishes sufficient reason to the Management Committee for such default. In the event of the Executive Committee being satisfied as aforesaid, the person in default may if readmitted to the Club be asked to pay or be excused payment of a fresh Entrance Fee.
i) The Proposer and/ or seconder of a candidate for membership shall be held responsible for any debt incurred to the club by that candidate from the date of proposal until one year after the date on which the candidate is admitted.
j) The proposer of a temporary member shall be liable for subscription and payment of any debts that may be incurred by the temporary member whom he has proposed or introduced or in default, the seconder of such temporary member.
k) All new members will be liable to pay Development Levy as may be decided by the Committee from time to time.
l) No member of the Club may induce any staff of the Club to leave the service of the Club.
m) No Staff of the Club shall be reprimanded or punished by a member. Any complaint against any member of staff must be made to the Chairman, Secretary or the Vice-Chairman as House Convenor.
n) Any complaints or suggestions by members should be made in writing to the Secretary and put in the suggestion box. These complaints must be signed.
o) Any Full or Country Members may introduce guests to the Club provided such guests are eligible for Membership. The name of the guest shall be entered by the member in a book kept for that purpose.
p) No person may be introduced as a guest more than twice in each calendar month.
q) Members who have guests staying with them upon application and approval by the Committee may bring these guests to the Club for a period not exceeding three weeks provided the guests will be registered and their membership fees paid.
r) No person whose application for membership has been declined or whose membership has lapsed on account of nonpayment of subscriptions, levies, fees or any monies owed to the club or who has been expelled from the club for indiscipline or whose conduct is unbecoming of a member of the club may be brought to the Club as a guest.
s) No guest may incur any debt to the Club. A member who introduces a guest is responsible for expenses incurred by his guest.
t) Staff employed by members and in charge of children shall be allowed to use the Club premises at the discretion of the Executive Committee but they shall not bring in or sign in guests to the club.
u) No remains of a deceased member shall be interred within the club premises.


1) The Club shall be managed by the Executive Committee elected annually at a Special or Annual General Meeting of the club from members who have attained at least two (2) years membership when the following offices will be filled.
(a) Chairman
(b) Immediate Past Chairman
(c) Vice Chairman
(d) Honorary Secretary ~
(e) The Membership Secretary
(f) Treasurer
(g) Green keeper
(h) Catering Convenor
(i) Swimming Convenor
And the captains who shall be elected from the respective sporting sections
Any member seeking to be elected, as the Chairman must have served in the Executive Committee for at least two (2) years

2) The Chairman or the Vice Chairman (deputizingfor the Chairman) together with Four (4) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for any Executive Committee meeting.

a) In case of a vacancy occurring in the Executive Committee, the same shall be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee from itself or from full general members with membership of not less than Two (2) years.
b) In the event the majority of or all Committee Members being unable to act in that capacity for whatever reason, the patron and any two Trustees shall have the right to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club for the sole purpose of electing committee Members, the notice required for such a meeting shall be fourteen (14) clear days and the patron or in his absence one of the Trustees shall act as Chairman for the meeting. Should the committee Members resign en-mass during a General Meeting, the members present shall immediately elect an interim Chairman and Five Committee Members to run the affairs of the Club for a period not exceeding Sixty (60)days during which time a General Meeting as provided herein before shall be convened to elect Officers and other Committee Members and provided further that should the Committee Members resign before the holding of an already convened General Meeting, the meeting shall be held as convened chaired by the patron or in his absence one Trustee and continue to elect an interim Chairman and Five Committee Members aforesaid.
c) In the event that there shall not be a properly constituted Executive Committee, the Trustees shall immediately advise the bank of this event and request the Bank( s) to change the signatories to the Bank Accounts. During this intervening period, all the affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Board of Trustees chaired by the Patron.
d) In the event the Chairman shall be unable to act in that capacity for whatever reason, the Vice Chairman or any person appointed by the Committee shall act as the Chairman during such inability until the next General meeting.

3) Unless otherwise provided, the first business of the Executive Committee shall be to ratify the members of subcommittees from names submitted by the elected convenors.
4) All sporting, gaming and hobby activities shall be required to elect their subcommittees and Captains prior to the holding of Special General Meeting and submit their names to the Executive Committee for admission of captains as members of the committee.
5) There shall be a Finance Committee headed by the Treasurer together with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary and one other Member from the Executive Committee. The funds of the Club shall only be used in the furtherance of the objects of the Club
6) The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Honorary Secretary shall be ex-official members of all subcommittees.
7) The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month and shall have powers to form subcommittees as needs arise. Non members of the Executive Committee may be co-opted to such sub-committees so as to bring in special skills. In case of a tie of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
8) The absence of any member of the Executive Committee from monthly meetings on three successive occasions without leave or reasonable excuse shall disqualify that member from being a member for the balance of his /her term.
9) The Executive Committee shall have the power from time to time to make and enforce rules and regulations and/or fix prices for the proper working of the Club. Such rules and regulations may be altered by the Executive Committee from time to time without calling a general or Special Meeting. Any such rules and regulations made or prices fixed by the Executive Committee shall be announced to the members of the club by the club chairman or vice chairman at least two club nights and be conspicuously displayed at the notice board of the club.
10) The Executive Committee may permit the use of the Club premises for the purpose of any games or for any entertainments or other functions that are not contrary to the law in force at the time in the Republic of India on such terms as they may approve, and upon a written application being made to the Honorary Secretary.
11) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fix the prices of all articles and refreshments sold in the Club and of any sports, games or other gear or other articles sold to the members or otherwise disposed of, without prejudice, they will also fix the payment for Temporary Membership fee.
12) No member should introduce more than six (6) guests at anyone time unless with prior arrangement with the management.
13) All acts done by the authority of the Executive Committee thereof in good faith shall be deemed to be the acts of the Club and of the individual members thereof and shall be binding on the individual members of the Club. Every member of the Executive Committee shall be indemnified by the Club and by the members thereof for any costs, losses or expenses which any member of the Executive Committee may incur or become liable to by reason of any contract entered into or act done by him as such member of the Executive Committee may incur or become liable to by reason of any contract entered into or act done by him as such member of the Executive Committee provided the Executive Committee shall not enter into any capital projects (other than the replacement of course implements or repairs of accidental damage of the Club House) before seeking and obtaining the approval of such projects costs thereof from members at a General Meeting. All capital projects shall be undertaken by the Executive Committee.
14) No member of the Executive Committee, his agent or servant shall directly or indirectly do business with the Club or enter into a contract for gain or pecuniary interest. If a member had been doing business with the club he/she shall declare this interest to the electing AGM which shall decide the fate of that business interest.
15) The Executive and Finance Committee may make reasonable donations limited to Ten thousand Rupees (Rs.10,000.00) without the consent of a General or Special General Meeting.
16) A member who is an adjudicated bankrupt or compounds with his creditors or is imprisoned shall at the discretion of the Executive Committee cease to be a member of the Club but it shall be lawful for the Executive Committee on the written application of such a member to re-instate him/ her. He shall not be called upon to pay a second entrance fee.


1) The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Club shall be held before March 31st in each year for the purpose of receiving and passing the accounts for the previous year. Twenty-one (21) days Notice of the Meeting shall be circulated to all members.
2) A Special General Meeting for election of officials shall be held in the month of December and in accordance with the Election Rules. Any member desiring at this meeting to bring forward any resolution upon any subject other than those on the Agenda as posted must send a notice of the same in writing to the Hon. Secretary so that it can be exhibited at the Club for at least Seven-(7) days prior to the meeting.
3) The subject of any Special General Meeting must be stated in the Notice of the Meeting which must be posted on the Club Notice Board and to the Members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting and no subject other than that of which Notice has been given shall be discussed at a Special General Meeting.
4) Fifty Members present and voting shall form a quorum for an annual General or Special General Meeting and in the absence of a quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for seven days, due notice being posted in the Club, no quorum being required for an adjourned meeting.
5) Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at any General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club


The following are the election rules that shall be followed during the conduct of elections of the Club which rules, the executive Committee shall ensure are adhered to during the process of the said elections.
1. The meeting for holding of elections for office bearers shall be held on the 2nd Wednesday of December of any subsequent year.
2. The Nomination Sheet should be displayed on notice board at least 30 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting scheduled for the elections.
3. The particulars on the Nomination Sheet shall be:
(i) Name of Candidate and his/her membership number.
(ii) Name of Proposer, membership number
and his/her signature.
(iii) Name of the Seconder, membership number and his/her signature.
(iv)Acceptance duly signed by the Candidate.
(v) A current coloured passport size photographs The above should apply for each position that is being contested.
4. It is the responsibility of all members to nominate duly qualified persons as candidates in light of provisions of the Club’s constitution.
5. The Executive Committee should ensure that all candidates are validly nominated.
6. The nomination process shall close Seven (7) Days before the date of the scheduled elections. Thereafter, the nomination paper shall be removed from the board at least seven days before the date of election and immediately thereafter the club’s Secretary shall cause a printed list of all the duly nominated candidates to be published and put on the notice board for said period of Seven (7) Days before the elections.
7. The Executive Committee shall verify the candidates duly proposed, seconded and accepted for purposes of preparing the ballots papers for the election.
8. a) If a position has got only one candidate the said name shall be forwarded as an uncontested position to the election officials for purpose of declaring him/her as an official, if found to be validly nominated and elected.
b) If any position remain uncontested, the Special General Meeting or Annual General Meeting shall mandate the executive Committee to fill in the said position 9. If any of the positions has got more than one candidate the Committee shall prepare ballot papers containing the following:

(i) The position being contested
(ii) The names of all the candidates validly nominated for the position.
(iii) Each name shall have an adjacent space for putting the vote mark.
(iv)The ballots shall be serialized.

10. The executive positions shall each (position) use a different color of the ballot paper. For the other positions, one common color of the ballot paper shall be used.

11. Any full member shall be eligible to vote during the elections.

12. The persons to conduct the elections (Election Officials) shall be the Patron, and the Trustees. The ongoing patron and the ongoing trustees may also co-opt other members to assist in the conduct of the elections

13. An ongoing Patron shall be the main returning officer for the conduct of the elections and in his absence or retirement, the ongoing Trustees shall appoint the returning officer from among themselves or co-opt other persons from senior members of the club.

14. The election officials shall takeover the conduct of elections immediately upon the incumbent officials have vacated their offices
15. The election officials shall:

I. Verify the list of members in attendance.
II. Distribute the ballot papers for voting.
III. Collect and receive the ballot papers once cast in the ballot box.

16. The member shall put a tick or ‘X’ within the box adjacent to his/her preferred candidate.

17. The ballots shall then be dropped into a transparent ballot box.

18. After the voting for each candidate, the counting of the votes shall be done in the open and the candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winning candidate.

19. The winning candidate for any of the contested positions shall be declared the duly elected person for that position


The Club shall have, elected from amongst its members, three trustees in the manner provided here below
(i) There shall be three (3) Trustees of the Club who shall be elected on rotation basis from amongst Past Club Chairmen or past Members of the Management Committee, who shall have been a member of the Club for a period of not less than Ten (10) years and who in the estimation of members have rendered exemplary service to the Club and are capable of holding in trust, protecting and safeguarding the assets of the Club.
(ii) A trustee shall serve for period of three (3) years. and shall be eligible for re-election for another term. No trustee shall serve for more than two terms
(iii) All immovable and movable properties of the club shall be vested in the Trustees.
(iv) The property of the club shall belong to the full members of the club. No member of the club has by reason of his or her membership any assignable and /or transferable interest in the property of the club.
(v) The Executive Committee may dispose of any movable assets of the Club after consultations with all the Trustees; however no immovable assets of the Club shall be disposed off without a Resolution of a General Meeting of the Members of the Club.
(vi)The Trustees shall keep custody of the Club seal, which shall be embossed with the name "SPORTS,GAMES AND HOBBIES CLUB" which seal shall be kept by the Trustees in safe custody or at a recognized bank and can only be withdrawn on the signatures of at least two trustees.
(vii) The Common Seal shall not be fixed to any document nor otherwise used for any purpose except in the presence of and pursuant to a resolution of all trustees.
(viii) Subject to the provision hereinafter contained, the Executive Committee shall have power to borrow and raise money and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation of or binding on the Club in such manner as may be thought fit and in addition, the Executive Committee may direct Sports, Games and Hobbies Club to mortgage or discharge all or any part of the property or assets (present and future) held by them in trust for the Club provided that, the Executive Committee shall first obtain consent of two third majority voting at a General Meeting in respect of such borrowing and mortgaging of the property of assets of the Club


There shall be a patron who shall have been a full member ofthe club for at least Fifteen (15) years, a past chairman or a trustee of the club and who in the estimation of club members is a person of integrity and good standing and with his consent, elected to hold office for a period of Three(3) years and may be re-elected for a further term of three years provided that no person shall be elected as a patron for more than two terms. The Patron and the three Trustees shall be ex-official members of the Executive Committee and shall be required to attend at least six meetings of the executive Committee in each calendar year.Any trustee who fails to attend the six meeting of theExecutive Committee without any apologies or otherjustifiable cause, acceptable by the Executive Committeeshall relinquish his/her position as a trustee. The vacancy soarising shall be filled by the Executive Committee and theperson so appointed by the Executive Committee shall hold office until the next annual or Special General Meeting of the club whichever comes first.


The procedure for handling cases of discipline will be as follows:
(a) The Executive Committee shall have powers to discipline any member who has been reported in writing by a member for unbecoming behavior. The Executive Committee shall write to the accused member to file his defense in writing and after due consideration of accusations and defense, take any appropriate measures as the Committee deems necessary. Such measures may take the form of warning or suspension from using Club facilities for a period not exceeding Ninety (90) days. Such suspended member's name shall be exhibited on Club Notice boards and communicated to all reciprocating Clubs. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be Final
(b) (i) In case of infringement of these rules or if the conduct of any member in or out of the Club in the opinion of the Executive Committee is injurious to the reputation of the Club, the Executive Committee may take such action as it may deem fit. Such an action may take the form of a reprimand, a suspension or expulsion. Should such action take the form of expulsion, the member so expelled shall forthwith cease to be a member of the Club.
(ii) The Executive Committee shall forward such expulsion to the General Meeting for ratification.. At two thirds majority vote of the members presentand voting at such general meeting shall be required to confirm the action of Executive Committee. If the expulsion is not confirmed by the GeneralMeeting, the member shall be reinstated immediately.
(c) Any member breaking, damaging or removing any property of the Club including removal, mutilation or destruction of any newspaper, periodicals or book belonging to the Club shall pay for the costs of reinstatement of the same except when it is shown to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that such breaking or damaging was purely by accident in which case the amount to be charged shall be left to the discretion of the Executive Committee. Such action may also result in expulsion or any other lesser penalty determined by the Executive Committee.
(d) Pending investigation by the Executive Committee of the matters referred to in Clause (b) and (c) above or any other matter of indiscipline or breach of the Club Constitution, the Executive Committee may suspend the member or members concerned from membership of the Club for a period not exceeding Ninety (90) days and on such terms and conditions as the Executive Committee may in its absolute discretion consider appropriate provided, that, such suspension shall not exempt such member or members from payment of subscription during the period of suspension.
(e) Any member who misbehaves in front of others in a manner likely to bring disrepute to the club, may instantly be removed from the club by an order of any Executive Committee member in consultation with other members present pending further disciplinary action as provided in clauses (a) and (b) above.


a) The Club shall adopt the Cash and/or Credit system as approved by the Executive Committee from time to time.
b) Banking accounts shall be kept. All monies received on behalf of the Club shall be deposited to the credit of such accounts. All cheques issued by the Club shall be signed by any three (3) of the following.
(i) The Chairman;
(ii) Immediate Past Chairman
(iii) Vice Chairman
(iv) Hon. Treasure
(v) Hon Secretary
c) The annual accounts shall close on the 31 st day of December of each year and the audited accounts shall be displayed on the Club Notice Board 21 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
d) The club shall have an Auditor for a period of one year, proposed by the executive committee and ratified by the AGM.
e) The club shall have powers to sue any person who owes it any monies being unpaid club debts subscription levies, or any other money due and owing to the club.


a) These rules shall not be rescinded, amended or added to except by a resolution of Annual or Special General Meeting of Full and Ordinary Members of the Club passed by majority vote of two thirds of the members present and voting.
b) The written text of any proposed alterations to the rules (if from members) must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary at least thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting at which such alterations are to be discussed. If the proposed alterations are from the Executive Committee, they must be exhibited prominently in the Clubhouse at least thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting at which the alterations are to be discussed.
c) All amendments to the Constitution shall take effect from the day they are enacted by the General Meeting or on any other date as may be determined by the General Meeting.


The Club may be wound up and the property thereof disposed by a resolution passed at a General Meeting by a majority vote of three- fourth of the Club members present at the meeting. No such resolution shall be passed unless notice of the proposal has been circulated to each individual full Member at least two months prior to the date of the meeting. A copy shall also be posted on the clubs notice board within the same period.


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