Sports, Games and Hobbies Club


The following are the rules and regulations governing the club house and games

Appendix A: CLUB HOUSE

1) Books, periodicals or other properties of the Club may not be removed from their proper places without the authority of the Hon. Secretary. No notice shall be placed in the Club's Notice Boards without the authority of the Club Secretary
2) No foods and drinks purchased by a member or his/her guest outside the Club shall be consumed at the Club without the authority of the Club Management.
3) No orders for meals will be accepted after the time determined and set by the Catering Convenor.
4) The Club shall be run departmentally and each convener will be responsible for controlling and checking the accounts of his/her section and is answerable to the Hon. Treasurer.
5) The Club refrigerators, freezers may not be used by members for the storage of their own foodstuffs.
6) No dogs, pets or horses are allowed on the Club premises.

Appendix B: GOLF

(a) No member shall arrange or invite a private Golf team to the Cub without the consent of the Golf Committee.
(b) Green fees for non-members shall be at the rate ruling at the time.
(c) A member of the Executive and Golf Committee is allowed to introduce a guest who may play from Monday to Friday without paying a green fee, however all guests invited during the weekend and public holidays must pay the applicable green fees.
(d) Caddy Fees and Practice Fees to be paid as determined by the Golf Committee from time to time.
(e) Certain competitions are open to Full Members of the Clubs Golf Section only.
(f) All Golf Trophies belonging to the Club shall be retained in the Club and the names of the winners shall be inscribed at the expenses of the Club.

Appendix C: SWIMMING

i. No member may introduce the same guests more than twice in each month.
ii. No children under the age of12 may be allowed to use the pool unless they are accompanied by an adult or responsible person.
iii. All guests using the swimming pool must obtain payment receipt and sign in the appropriate book.
iv. No children may introduce guests.
v. Children must use the outside toilet provided for their special use.


a) The Tennis Courts may be used only by members and their guest admitted in accordance with the Club Rule
b) The Club will provide tennis balls and the cost to the tennis members shall be at the current charges ruling at the time. To non members of the Club, it shall be the current ruling price of the use of the Court and for the use of the tennis balls.
c) No players are allowed to play in any other but proper tennis shoes.

Appendix E: SQUASH

1) No food and drinks should be taken to the Squash Room.
2) Suitable clothing and non marking foot wear should be worn at all times.
3) Money should be paid to the Barman who will feed the meter.
4) Children under the age 15 years should be accompanied by adults.


(i) The charges for the use of the Gymnasium shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Club.
(ii) The Games Convener will be responsible for the smooth running of this section.
iii) No food or drinks will be taken in the Gymnasium room except drinking water.
(iv) All Gymnasium users will be appropriately dressed.
(v) No children will use the Gymnasium unless accompanied by grown up guardians.


1) The Club Vice chairman, acting as the House Convener will be responsible for the smooth running of this facility
2) All monies received for the use of rooms will be banked intact and only the Finance Committee will authorize its use.
3) There will be no preferential treatment in the booking of rooms.
4) Unless authorized by the Vice Chairman or the Club Manager, all accounts for rooms shall be settled in advance
5) No food or drinks will be served or taken in the rooms without the leave of the Club Manager.
6) No cooking shall be allowed in the rooms
7) The charges for the rooms shall be determined by the Executive Committee.